I am honoured to be included in Tara's journey to health and wellness via the internet, knowing that it's not as perfect as being able to work with her in person, but it's the next best thing! I hope that as readers, you can all benefit from my expertise by participating in the online fitness routines I will provide, as well as share your thoughts, struggles and accomplishments. Together you will have fun, yet challenge yourselves with exercise, on a road to a better you - from the inside out. All of the exercise options can either be performed at your home, your gym or even in the outdoors to enjoy that glorious fresh air and sunshine!
This week, I would like to get an idea of what type of (at-home) fitness equipment you all have access to. I will then be able to better set up routines. I would also like to find out what type of exercises you would be interested in trying as well as how often and how long you can commit to exercise each week.
My idea would be to post a new routine every second Sunday and see how everyone enjoys it. Comments and questions will be welcomed and encouraged throughout the two weeks.
I look forward to hearing from you throughout this week!
The first workout will be posted this Sunday.
Yours in fitness,

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